Nathaniel Francis

June 13, 2018

Asynchronous Programming with JavaScript Part 1: Introduction & Overview

Thanks to recent language updates, there are a variety of ways to hand asynchronous programming with the JavaScript language.

This is an introduction to the available JavaScript asynchronous programming method options: Callbacks, Promises, and Async/await.

May 13, 2014

How We Rest: CFSummit 2014 presentation

This talk focuses on 5 key ways that the ColdFusion community produces REST applications. Both native implementations, CF10+ and Railo 4+, are covered as well as 3 popular frameworks: Taffy, Coldbox, and FW/1.



This is an entry level topic aimed to help developers and development teams see their options and choose according to their preferences and needs.

The slides are up at the CFSummit slideshare:

The slides and code examples are on my github:

Thank you to all who attended this session and the content committee for setting it up.

April 18, 2014

Nathaniel is speaking at Into The Box 2014

We are proud to announce that Nathaniel Francis has been selected to speak at the very first Into The Box conference in May.  

He will be speak on Relaxing With ColdBox RESTFul Services.  See more on this hot-N-ready topic at

October 28, 2013

Handling BOMs with JSMin

A fantastic tool for increasing web app efficiency is Luis Majano's JSMin compressor.  It takes your local CSS or JavaScript files, compresses them, and stores them as an aggregated file in your app's cache.  I did run into a bit of trouble with it recently when I ran it on an app's new stack and encountered a bit of a BOM problem.  Here's why the BOM can be a problem and a simple way to fix it.

May 29, 2013

How To Take Over Star Wars – cf.Objective() 2013 Lightning Talk

So the grandiose Disney Corporation has purchased Lucasfilm ltd. and plans on making a new set of Star Wars movies.  It's almost enough to make even the casual Star Wars fan cry. However, much like how they handled the assimilation of the Marvel universe (by putting Joss Whedon over it), Disney has made a surprisingly good move: they hired J.J. Abrams to take Star Wars into tomorrow...