Mark Skelton

November 13, 2018

Multi-stage Docker Builds

Docker is a great tool for deploying scalable web applications for a large variety of technologies ranging from Node.js, Python, MySQL, and more.  We have been using Docker at Computer Know How for some time but we recently ran into a challenge with an application we were setting up for Docker.

September 13, 2018

Scripting: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Have you ever been given a task that seemed so repetitive or manual that you just knew there must be a better way to accomplish the task? If your answer is yes, then I have been in your shoes before. Anytime I am given a project that involves manually searching through files, converting data from one format to another, or pulling reports from data that isn’t setup for reporting, I ask myself some questions such as "how could we accomplish this quicker?" or "could this task be scripted?"

March 13, 2018

Improving E-commerce Security

The state of e-commerce

Electronic commerce, more often known as e-commerce, continues to grow at a staggering rate. In 2014, worldwide e-commerce sales totaled $1.3 trillion and by the end of 2017, e-commerce sales topped $2.3 trillion dollars. In 2017, U.S. Black Friday e-commerce sales alone amounted to $5.03 billion. With so much money being transferred electronically, many people are concerned about how to protect themselves online while still enjoying the convenience of e-commerce.